Each and every competitive exams have questions based on Synonyms and Antonyms in English. If you study this part, you will get an edge over others. Syn indicates synonyms and Ant indicates antonyms. Along with reading the words and their synonyms and antonyms, you should write down them. Try to use them in your own sentences.
1. Abominable
Syn-hateful, loathsome, terrible, unpleasant. Ant-admirable, noble, fine.
2. Abbreviate
Syn. shorten, abridge, reduce, condense, curtail
Ant. extend, augment, lengthen, broadening. 3. Absolutely
Syn.-positively, really, definitely, doubtlessly. Ant- doubtedly, uncertainly, imperfectly.
4. Accident
Syn-mischance, misfortune, mishap, disaster.
Ant-comfort, peace, safe.
5. Accommodate
Syn. assist, provide, adjustment.
Ant.inconvenience, discomfort.
6. Accomplish
Syn.-perform, finish, achieve, unique. Ant. fail, unsuccessful, disprove.
7. Acknowledge
Syn. agree, admit, allow, concede, accept. Ant. refuse, neglect, deny, reject.
8. Acquit
Syn. excuse, forgive, exonerate, apology.
Ant. condemn, sentence, punish.
9. Address
Syn-location, residence, abode, dwelling.
Ant.outerly, dislocate, disappear.
10. Adequate
Syn-ample, sufficient, enough, plenty.
Ant. dearth, scarce, inadequate.
11. Adjacent
Syn. close, near, neighbouring, proximately
Ant. distant, separate, apart.
12. Adjourn
Syn-suspend, postpone, delay, defer.
Ant. convene, begin, assemble.
13. Admonish
Syn-caution, wam, advise, against.
Ant-praise, glorify, favourable,
14. Adroit
Syn.-skillful, clever, dexterous, expert.
Ant. clumsy, awkward, graceless.
15. Adverse
Syn. unlucky, unfortunate, unfavourable. Ant.-beneficial, favourable, suitable.
16. Affliction
Syn. trouble, grief, distress, misery. Ant.-benefit, pleasure, easement, comfort.
17. Aggressive
Syn-attacking, pugnacious, offensive.
Ant. passive, timid, withdrawn, shy.
18. Agreement
Syn-compact, treaty, alliance, accord.
Ant. discord, disagreement, dispute.
19. Alteration
Syn. change, modification, difference, adjustment.
Ant. maintenance, preservation, stable.
20. Amiable
Syn.- amicable, friendly, agreeable, pleasant.
Ant. captious, touchy, ill-tempered.
21. Amusement
Syn.-entertainment, diversion, enjoyment,
Ant.-boredom, tedium, distaste.
22. Antagonism
Syn.-hostility, opposition, conflict, animosity. Ant. cordiality, geniality, friendliness.
23. Ambition
Syn. aspiration, zeal, longing, goal. Ant. reluctant, unwilling.
24. Benevolent
Syn. generous, philanthropist, charitable.
Ant. brutal, fastidious, cruel.
25. Barbarian
Syn.-savage, brute, ruffian, boor.
Ant. civilized, cultivated, tasteful.
26. Barricade
Syn. obstruction, fence, enclosure, barrier. Ant.-open, emancipate, release, free.
27. Bashful
Syn.-timid, modest, ashamed, shy. Ant. arrogant, immodest, self-assured.
28. Beginning
Syn. start, open, commencement, emergence.
Ant. finish, ending, termination.
29. Beneficial
Syn. advantageous, useful, helpful, profitable.
Ant.-unwholesome, disadvantageous, loss.
30. Bewilder
Syn. confuse, puzzle, perplex, mystery, overwhelm.
Ant. clarify, enlighten, clear.
31. Bias
Syn.-prejudice, tendency, inclination.
Ant. fairness, impartiality, clarity.
32. Bourgeois
Syn.-middle class, common place, ordinary. conventional.
Ant.-upper class, aristocratic, sophisticated.
33. Calamity
Syn. catastrophe, reverse, distress, misfortune.
Ant.-boon, blessing, fortunate.
34. Calculate
Syn.-reckon, compute, measure, substract, figure.
Ant. -assume,guess, probable.
35. Calm
Syn-quiet, peaceful, tranquil, harmonious, smooth.
Ant- temptuous, roiled, disturbed, turmoil.
36. Captivity
Syn. confinement, detention, custody, clavery.
Ant.-liberty, freedom, emancipation.
37. Cardinal
Syn-important, principal, primary, prime, major.
Ant.-secondary, subordinate, auxiliary.
38. Casual
Syn. accidental, unintentional, chance, offhand.
Ant-planned, deliberate, premediated, formal
39. Catastrophy
Syn.-disaster, calamity, misfortune, adversity. Ant.- truimph, blessing, boon,
40. Chaos
Syn. disorder, confusion, turmoil.
Ant - order, tranquility, tidiness, organisation.
41. Charitable
Syn. generous, liberal, considerate, kind. Ant.-mean, petty, stingy, narrow minded.
42. Clamour
Syn- uproar, shouting, noise, din.
Ant. tranquility, serenity, quiet.
43. Clumsy
Syn. awkward, ungraceful, unskillful, bubbling.
Ant. graceful, adroit, polished, dexterous.
44. Colossal
Syn. enormous, immense, gigantic, huge.
Ant. microscopic, minuscule, miniature.
45. Combat
Syn.-struggle, contest, oppose, fight, battle..
Ant.-surrender, yield, succumb,
46. Commendation
Syn. praise, approval, recommendation, applause.
Ant. condemnation, criticism, censure.
47. Compliment
Syn. honour, admiration, approval, appreciation.
Ant.-insult, aspersion, affront, disparage.
48. Conceit
Syn-vanity, egotism, self esteem,
Ant moderty, humility, humbleness.
49. Consequence
Syn.-result, outcome, effect, significance, importance
Ant. cause, impetus, antecedent.
50. Conservative
Syn.-reactionary, conventional, rightwing.
Ant.-liberal, radical, moderate.
51. Contemporary
Syn.-co-existing, simultaneous, contemporaneous.
Ant. antecedent, succeeding.
52. Controversy
Syn. dispute, quarrel, argument, disagreement.
Ant. agreement, harmony, accord.
53. Capious
Syn. plentiful, abundant, ample, adequate.
Ant.-scarce, meagre, scanty, paltry.
54. Dangerous
Syn.-perilous, hazardous, risky, unsafe. Ant.-secure, safe, guarded.
55. Dauntless
Syn.-fearless, brave, bold, intrepid, courageous.
Ant. cowardly, timid, fearful.
56. Deceptive
Syn. deceiving, false, misleading, tricky.
Ant.-real, true, authentic.
57. Decrease
Syn.-diminish, decline, dwindle, lessen.
Ant.-increase, expand, broadening.
58. Deface
Syn. scratch, mar, disfigure, mutilate.
Ant.-beautify, decorate.
59. Dejected
Syn.-depressed, unhappy.
Ant.-happy, cheerful, optimistic.
60. Deliberate
Syn.-purposeful, intentional, considered, calculated.
Ant-accidental, unplanned, unintentional.
61. Destruction
Syn-devastation, demolition, ruin, extinction.
Ant-creation, beginning. production.
62. Diminutive
Syn-small, little, minute, tiny.
Ant.-large, great, big, huge, gigantic.
63. Diplomatic
Syn.-polite, tactful, gracious, discreet.
Ant. impolite, rude, thoughtless.
64. Disdain
Syn.-scorn, contemptuous, arrogant, haughty.
Ant.-respect, honour, admiration.
65. Elaborated
Syn. ornate, decorated, complicated.
Ant.-simple, unadorned, stark.
66. Elegant
Syn.-refined, cultivated, tasteful, fine. Ant. crude, unpolished, coarse.
67. Enthusiastic
Syn. eager, zealous, earnest. Ant.-aloof, unconcerned, indifferent.
68. Extravagant
Syn. wasteful, lavish, excessive, expensive. Ant.-frugal, economical, prudent, thrifty.
69. Fabulous
Syn.-fantastic, unbelievable, amazing, astonishing. Ant. ordinary, simple, common place.
70. Famous
Syn.-renowned, reputed, eminent, celebrated.
Ant. unknown, observe, anonymous.
71. Fatal
Syn. deadly, lethal, baneful, pernicious.
Ant. nonfatal, panacea, fruitful.
72. Ferocious
Syn.-fierce, savage, blood thirsty, wild. Ant.-gentle, playful, calm, harmless.
73. Fragile
Syn-delicate, breakable, frail, weak.
Ant-sturdy, hardy, strong, tout.
74. Futile
Syn-useless, pointless, worthless, vain. Ant. valuable, important, serious, worthwhile.
75. Gorgeous
Syn.-splendid, magnificient, grand, eloquent,
Ant. ugly, homely, squalid.
76. Grievous
Syn. dreadful, awful, gross, regrettable, lementable.
Ant. praiseworthy, lovable.
77. Headstrong
Syn-stubborn, obstinate, willful. Ant. amenable, easygoing.
78. Hideous
Syn.-frightful, monstrous, terrible, malacious.
Ant.-beautiful, lovely, ethereal.
79. Humorous
Syn. funny, comical, ridicule, comic. Ant. serious, unfunny, sombre, sober.
80. Idiotic
Syn-stupid, senseless, foolish, moronic. Ant.-intelligent, bright, brilliant.
81. Impulsive
Syn.-hasty, rash, spontaneous, automatic.
Ant. careful, cautious, prudent.
82. Inclination
Syn. tendency, preference, predisposition,
Ant. reluctance, uprightness, disinclination.
83. Indignant
Syn.-angry, imitated, aroused, exasperated
Ant.-screne, calm, content
84. Iviting
Syn.-alluring, luring, appealing, tempting.
Ant, unattractive, uninviting, repulsive.
85. Jumpy
Syn.-nervous, touchy, sensitive, excitable.
Ant. calm, tranquil, unruffled.
86. Legitimate
Syn.-legal, lawful, right, proper.
Ant. illegal, illegitimate, impractical.
87. Logical
Syn. reasonable, rational, sensible.
Ant. irrational, crazy, franzy.
88. Luxurious
Syn. lavish, rich, deluxe, extravagant. Ant.-sparse, spartan, simple, crude.
89. Majestic
Syn.-royal, kingly, princely, noble, reyal.
Ant.-lowly, base, squalid.
90. Mammoth
Syn. colossal, huge, enormous, gigantic.
Ant. tiny, small, minuscule.
91. Melancholy
Syn. sadness, gloom, depression, descent,
Ant.-happy, joyful, jubilant
92. Messy
Syn. dirty, disordered, confused, untidy, sloppy.
Ant. neat, orderly, tidy.
93. Miraculous
Syn.-wonderful, incredible, phenomenal,
Ant.-ordinary, everyday, commonplace.
94. Momentous
Syn. essential, serious, important.
Ant. unimportant, trivial, trifling.
95. Mysterious
Syn.-secret, strange, puzzling, close.
Ant.-open, obvious, direct.
96. Obsolete
Syn. antiquated, old fashioned, outdated, archaic.
Ant.-new, modern, fashionable.
97. Offensive
Syn.-aggressive, attacking, revolting, nauseous.
Ant.-defensive, attractive, defending.
98. Outrageous
Syn. contemptible, shameless, shocking. disgraceful.
Ant. reasonable, prudent, sensible.
99. Pacify
Syn. calm, quiet, tranquilize, smooth.
Ant.-upset, excite, disturb, tumult.
100. Panic
Syn.-alarm, dread, fright, terror.
Ant. soothe, calm, pacify.
101. Passion
Syn. emotion, feeling, zeal, excitement.
Ant.-indifference, apathy, coolness.
102. Perilous
Syn. dangerous, risky, hazardous.
Ant.-secure, safe, insure.
103. Perpetual
Syn. unceasing, everlasting, eternal, undying.
Ant. transitory, inconstant, intermittent
104. Pretense
Syn.-falsification, deceit, fabrication.
Ant.-real, true, supported.
105. Profound
Syn.-solemn, serious wise, learned, knowing.
Ant. superficial, shallow.
106. Prudent
Ant.-wise, careful, sensible, discreet.
Ant.-rash, reckless, foolish.
107. Quaint
Syn-strange, unusual, curious, uncommon. Ant. ordinary, common, simple.
108. Random
Syn. chance, haphazard, irregular, casual.
Ant. particular, specific, special.
109. Recommend
Syn. commend, praise, approve.
Ant. disapprove, veto, disallow.
110. Reluctant
Syn. hesitant, unwilling, disinclined, loath.
Ant. eager, ready, acceptance.
111. Reverence
Syn.-respect, homage, veneration, worship. Ant. impious, disrespectful, dishonour.
112. Sacred
Syn. holy, pious, divine, hallowed, pure.
Ant. profane, blasphemous.
113. Significance
Syn.-important, meaningful, vital, crucial.
Ant.-trivial, insignificant, unimportant.
114. Spacious
Syn.-large, roomy, convenience, capacious. Ant.-cramped, small, narrow, confined.
115. Spontaneous
Syn.-natural, unplanned, voluntary
Ant.-cautious, studied, normal.
116. Stranger
Syn.-foreigner, alien, outsider, outlands.
Ant.-acquaintance, friend, familiar.
117. Tedious
Syn.-wearisome, boring. tiresome, tiring. Ant.-interesting, engaging, exciting.
118. Thrive
Syn.-flourish, develop, succeed. Ant.-languish, expire, die, failure, deteriorate.
119. Tumult
Syn.-noisy, commotion, uproar, disturbance.
Ant. tranquility, peaceful, harmonious.
120. Uncouth
Syn. barbarian, uncivic , vulgar, discourteous.
Ant. civilized, cultivated, cultural.
121. Victory
Syn. conquest, success, triumph, win. Ant. defeat, destroyed, failure.
122. Vigilant
Syn. attentive, observant, watchful.
Ant. careless, negligent, sluggish.
123. Withdraw
Syn.- remove, retract, recall, return. Ant-enter, place, stable, admit.
124. Furious
Syn.-angry, fuming, raging, turbulent. Ant.-normal, sober, pacified , mild.
125. Reliance
Syn-assurance, confidence, credence, trust. Ant.-incredible, unbelievable, false.