A Drafting Virtual Message :HSC English questions Bank solutions2021


1.1 Virtual  Message (4 Marks)

 Imagine,  you  have  to  leave  early  from  home  for  an  interview.  Draft  a  message  in  about 100/150  words,  to  convey  the  same  to  your  friend.  Give  your  own  reasons  to  support  your message. 


22 March 2020, Time:6:00AM 

Ms. Shrishti 

Mr. Rakesh has called me for my job interview today, So I am leaving the home early at 6:30. Kindly handle all situation at home and take care of yourself and home.Ms.Neha Deshmukh 

1.2 Virtual  Message

 Imagine,  you  are  not well  and will  not be  able  to attend lectures  at  college.  Draft  a  message  in about  100/150  words  to  convey  the  same  to  your  teacher.  Give  your  own  reasons  to  support your message.


22 March 2020,Time:8:00 AM 

Ms. Khan Shehrish 

I Am Khan Shehrish from XII B. I am not well Ma’am since last week suffering from Typhoid. And due to that,I will not be able to attend the lecture until I recover. I will cover all the syllabus that I have been missed.Ms. Sheetal Pandey 

 1.3 Virtual  Message 

Imagine,  you  have  planned  different  methods  to  study  for  your  board  exam.  Draft  a  message in  about  100/150  words,  to  give  these  details  to  your  friend.  Give  your  own  reasons  to support  your message. 


23rd March ,Time:12:00 PM 

MS. Sakshi Tiwari 

As we both are appearing for the board exam this year. I have planned to study smartly to completing the syllabus within 2 to 3 months and the rest of the month will revise and solve sample papers. Studying smartly according to plan will boost our confidence to score good grades in the board exam. 

Ms. Sonam Singh 

1.4 Virtual  Message 

Imagine  that  you  have  to  leave  your  hostel  room  to  attend  to  a  relative  coming  at  the  city hospital  from  your  native  place.  Draft  a  message  in  about  100/150  words  giving  reason  of your  absence  at  the  birthday  party  of  your  roommate  at  the  hostel.  Give  your  own  reasons  to support  your message. 


23rd march,time:9.00 AM 


Sorry I will be absent from your birthday celebration as I told you my relative is suffering from cancer so he is coming to the city hospital and I have to meet him.! hope you will understand my situation 

Ms.Shikha Singh 

1.5 Virtual  Message 

Imagine  that  you  have  won  two  entry  tickets  to  a  popular  drama  at  a  theater  near  you  this weekend.  Draft  a  message  in  about  100/150  words  to  convey  the  incredible  news  to  your  best friend. 


24th March, Time:9.00 AM 

Ms. Khan Liaba 

After purchasing Bajaj “LED ” T.V I have won tickets for “The Heirs” drama and it is for this weekend. I am joy out of bliss and I know you will be shocked after reading this. Ms .Khan shifa 

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