Land Reforms in India

 Land Reforms:

By the term or word 'Land Reforms' we mean that reforms of institutional factors related to the land. In order to raise the agricultural production and also increase the level of income and the standard of living of the cultivators, institutional factors along with the technical factors are playing an important role. These institutional factors which include land tenure system, farming, land holdings. structure, land distribution, intermediaries.

Objective of land reforms in India:

Following are the some important objective of land reforms in India-

(1) Rational Use of Resources: One of the important objective of land reforms in India is to make provision for more rational use of scarce land resources by changing the condition of holdings, imposing ceiling on land holdings. So, as the run of the cultivation process in a most economical manner without any wastes of land, labour and capital.

(ii) Raising production level or Increase in production level: Another important objective of land reforms in India is to rise the production level of the agricultural sector by motivating the farmers to rise their output and also by giving incentives.

(iii) Removing Exploitation: Removing exploitation of poor farmers is one of the important objective of land reforms in India. It is achieved by redistributing agriculture and unfavoured of poor farmers through abolition of intermediaries.

(iv) Social Welfare for rural masses: Land reforms in India is also aims to promoting the social welfare for the rural masses (people)and also aims to end the social injustice through equitable distribution of income and wealth. It makes the arrangement for the distributing of land to landless cultivators through imposing ceiling on land holdings and also by acquiring ceiling surplus of the land.

(v) Planned Development: To attain the planned development of agricultural sector on long term basis is one of the another important objective of land reforms in India. Land reforms can have the way for adopting the modern methods of cultivation and also by establishing direct link between government agencies and farmers for the development of agriculture in a planned manner.

(vi) Raising the standard of living: Another important objective of land reforms in India is to raise the standard of living of the rural poor through redistribution of packages and programmes. These are the main 6 (six) roles or importance of land reforms in India.

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