

Interview Questions : Ask your local corporator regarding the filth and Dirt in your area

 (1) Write 8-10 questions you would like to ask your local corporator regarding the filth and dirt in your area.


(1) Namaste, sir. Congratulations on winning the elections from our constituency. May I ask you a few questions? Thank you. 

(2) As you can see, sir, this place is full of uncollected garbage. Why is this so?

(3) The drain at the end of this road is choked and is overflowing. Comment on this, please.

(4) The municipality had a plan to reduce the number of stray dogs. However, there are plenty here. Could we know the reason for this?

(5) What about the cows and goats that we can see?

(6) What is the action taken against the sanitary workers who do not sweep the roads regularly?

 (7) Are there any plans to get rid of hawkers?

(8) How will you deal with the unhygienic roadside food stalls?

(9) Is there any plan to fumigate the area/spray pesticides to prevent the outbreak of diseases?

(10) How will you motivate the people to participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the area?

Thank you, sir, for your cooperation. We certainly hope you succeed in your endeavours to give us a clean locality.

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