

2.5 Father Returning Home

 2.5 Father Returning Home

Question Bank Activity

Home again, I see him drinking weak tea,
Eating a stale chapati, reading a book.
He goes into the toilet to contemplate
Man's estrangement from a man-made world.
Coming out he trembles at the sink,
The cold water running over his brown hands,
A few droplets cling to the greying hairs on his wrists.
His sullen children have often refused to share
Jokes and secrets with him. He will now go to sleep
Listening to the static on the radio, dreaming
Of his ancestors and grandchildren, thinking
Of nomads entering a subcontinent through a narrow pass. wrists.
A1 Complete the given flowchart about father’s activities at home. (02) 
Drinking weak tea , eating stale chapati 
Listening to the static on the radio

Ans : Drinking weak tea , eating stale chapati 
Contemplating in toilet
Trembling at the sink while cleaning hands
Listening to the static on the radio
A2 Find the lines to highlight the relation of children and father. (02)
a) His sullen children have often refused to share
Jokes and secrets with him.
b) Home again, I see him drinking weak tea,
Eating a stale chapati.

A3 Would you like to celebrate ‘Father’s day’? If yes how/ If not why? (02)
Ans : No, I don't like to celebrate 'Father's Day' . For me every day is a parent's day. Celebrating one day in their name and not respecting on all other days is not a wise idea. Instead of celebrating one day I prefer to listen to them and talk to them. I want to be there whenever they need me. 

A4 Name the figure of speech in the following line and give one more example. (02)
“coming out he trembles at the sink”
Ans : Hyperbole - The statement is exaggerated.
A5 Read the following lines and add two poetic lines to rhyme with line. (02)
He will now go to sleep
Listening to static on the radio
Ans : He will now go to sleep
Listening to static on the radio
With vibrant audio
Till he gets sound sleep.
Activity Sheet No 2

Q. 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities given below.
A1. Complete the web chart.

A1. Complete the web chart.

A2. Find the lines to prove the facts from the poem.
a. Father is isolated from the society and family.
b. Generation Gap
A3. Write a character sketch of your father.
A4. Find examples of transferred epithet and synecdoche.
A5. Replace the words from the following lines and rewrite :
Home again, I see him drinking weak tea
Eating a stale Chapati, reading a book.



Bag stuffed with books falling apart
Raincoat stained with mud
Sticky Chappals
Soggy shirts and pants
Dimmed eyes
Unseeing eyes
A2.a. Father is isolated from the society and family. " Like a word dropped from a long sentence "
b. Generation Gap " His sullen children have often refused to share jokes and secretes with him "
A3. My father is a farmer. He works very hard. He wears paijama and kurta. His hands became rough with hard work. He works in the field.
A4. Transferred epithet: humid monsoon night- The adjective humid is transferred from weather to night.
Synecdoche : eating a stale Chapati - Chapati stands for food, the part symbolises whole.
A5. Home again, I see him drinking strong coffee
Eating fresh food, writing a story.

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